ReaScript: Independant Time Offset

Independant Time Offset Screencast

About this Script

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This Independant Time Offset script lets you move the content of a media item, just like the “Move item contents” action, but while keeping the offset value variation so we can refer to it and revert to no offset easily if wanted and by being able to work on groups or only the selection.



  1. Download the file and put it into the folder at: ~/Library/Application Support/REAPER/Scripts/
  2. Open the Reaper's Action list (Actions -> Show action list...) and press the Load.. button next to the ReaScript: label
  3. Locate your file and press the Open button

You can look at this video if you have difficulties to import/load the script

How it works

You can instantiate the script using Reaper's Action list (Actions -> Show action list...) and searching for the Independant Time Offset script in this menu or I would recommend to had a keyboard shortcut to easily and rapidly use the action.

A small window will pop and make the actions work when you click and drag in this window (or by holding the Alt key).

Keyboard Hotkeys:

Key Action
i Press “i” to popup the User Input window to manually set the offset value
Ctrl+Alt Will pop a help menu in a tooltip
Shift Hold Shift to bypass Groups when doing an action
Secondary Click Reset offset to 0
Ctrl+Paste Hold Ctrl while pasting to substract the item offset with the offset value in clipboard
Alt Hold Alt without click to modify the item offset
Super+LeftClick Toggle between windowed and docked mode
(Super = Cmd key on macOS and Windows key on Windows)