How to: Create a Project

Project files are media files with an attached configuration. This allow you to configure the different Proprieties so you can recall them between startup or when you switch to a different file. Also, this is useful to transfert your configuration to different devices so they all use the same setup.

There are multiple ways to create a SyncFrame project from the application depending from where you are, but first , make sure that you have imported a media file inside the application. Please look at the relevant section from this documentation based on your device.

After your file is imported, please proceed with one of this next section:

From a Media file

From the Files tab

With your media file from which you want to create a project opened:

  1. Open the media file from which you want to create a project
  2. Tap on the Vertical Ellipsis Button button on the far right of your media file to open the file menu.
  3. Tap on Create project
  4. A new menu will pop asking to Move or Duplicate the file.
    • Move: Tap on Move if you don't want to keep your file in your Media list, but only embedded in your Project file.
    • Duplicate: Tap on Duplicate if you want to keep your file where it is, but make a duplicate to embed in your project file
  5. Modify you Proprieties and add Markers as you want for your project
  6. Tap on the Save button that will pop at the bottom of the sidebar to save your configuration with your project.
  7. A new project file with the same name as your media file will be created

From the Configuration Tab

With your media file from which you want to create a project opened:

  1. Open the right sidebar and go inside the Configuration Tab
  2. Modify you Proprieties and add Markers as you want for your project
  3. Tap on the Save button that will pop at the bottom of the sidebar to save your configuration and create your project.
  4. A new menu will pop asking to Move or Duplicate the file.
    • Move: Tap on Move if you don't want to keep your file in your Media list, but only embedded in your Project file.
    • Duplicate: Tap on Duplicate if you want to keep your file where it is, but make a duplicate to embed in your project file
  5. A new project file with the same name as your media file will be created

From a Project file

If you want to have a project that use the same media file as another one, but with a different configuration file, you can duplicate your project file, then modify its configuration and save it.
