Main View: The Player View

FullScreen View

The main view of SyncFrame looks like any traditional video player. However, many little twists where added to make it fast to work with and to keep a workflow that doesn't interfere with your demanding playing situation.

Here we will detail every section of this main view. Please refer you to this top picture to know where every elements are positioned throughout the main view.


Title Bar (Menus)

Title Bar
Controls Description
Settings Button Access to the Main Preferences of the application
Modes menu button to switch between the different playing modes (Alone, Auxiliary, Coordinator). It also act as an indicator that shows if your are receiving data from the Coordinator or not (Receiving when Green and Not receiving when White)
Right Sidebar Button Open the right sidebar where you can have access to your files, projects and configuration (Projects proprieties + Marker List)

Playing Modes

Modes Description
Alone Put the device into Alone mode. In this mode, you are in full control of your device; no one on the network will interfere with your solo practice.
Auxiliary Put the device into Auxiliary mode. In this mode, your device will be controlled by a Coordinator device when one is present on your network.
Coordinator Put the device in Coordinator mode. In this mode, your device will control the other devices in the network. They will follow your playback position, rate and play/pause states.
(Resync) When on Auxiliary mode, a Resync button will appear on the left side of this controls group. This button is useful in case a problem occur during a live performance and the Coordinator device gets lost and your device drifted from others. Pressing this button will ask the other devices in the network to send you their position and your device will try to resynchronize to it.
(Force) When on Coordinator mode, a Force button will appear on the left side of this controls group. This button is useful in case multiple Coordinator device appear on the network and you want to tell them that you are the real main Coordinator. This button will force other into Auxiliary mode.

Top left controls (Visual Modes)

Top left controls
Controls Description
Fullscreen Button Allow to go into fullscreen mode where System User Interface elements (ex: Titlebar) get hidden to reduce even more distracting elements.
Expand Button Expand the video frame to fullscreen.
Presentation Mode Button Go into Presentation Mode where all User Interface elements get hidden and where the playback is activated or paused by a simple tap on the screen and a long press get you out of this mode.

Top right controls (Audio)

Top right controls
Control Description
Top Right controls This is the volume control section where we can turn it on or off.

Bottom controls (Playback Controls)

Bottom controls
Controls Description
Lock Button Lock/Unlock the controls so you don't accidentally touch them while playing
Rewind Button Rewind 10 seconds from the current playback position
Play/Pause Button Button to Play/Pause the playback
Forward Button Forward 10 seconds from the current playback position
Playback Rate Button Allow to control the playback rate. (This is only accessible from the Coordinator or Alone mode since on Auxiliary mode the playback rate is controlled by the Coordinator device)
Time Picker Icon Time picker to rapidly and precisely go to a specific time position.


Playback Rate

Go To Dialog

The Playback Rate dialog, accessible by tapping on the Top left controls button, let you change the speed at which the player play your media file. You can change the value by using the up/down arrow or a drag up/down action on the individual numbers.

Time Picker

Go To Dialog

This Time Picker dialog, accessible by tapping on the Top left controls button, let you go rapidly and precisely to a specific time position. It will directly be set to your current position when you open it and you will see the position updated in realtime when changing its values. You can modify the “Hours : Minutes : Seconds . Milliseconds” by clicking on their respective up/down arrows or dragging the numbers up/down to modify them.

Note that the hours won't be shown if the media file doesn't have a length that is equal to an hour or more.

The top right button, the Add Marker button Add Marker Button, is a shortcut to add a new marker which will pop the Marker dialog.


This dialog let you add1 a marker or let you edit2 a previously saved Marker. A description and time position can be set or modified. The same dialog is also used to The controls for the time are the same as with the previous dialog, by using the up/down arrow or the drag up/down action to change the values.

Add Marker Dialog
1: If coming from the Timer Picker dialog or the Add a marker button from the Right Sidebar Markers section.
2: Accessible by the Edit button from the vertical ellipsis button ( ⋮ ) of a Marker in the Markers list of a project configuration section.